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Why Escape Rooms Are A fun Activity To Do With The Grandparents

When it comes to figuring out what exactly we want to do with our grandparents during the holidays, we at Escapology Memphis know how difficult it is to find the right activities to do when your grandparents are in town for the holidays.

Not only does the activity need to be something your grandparents haven’t done before, but they need to be accessible, mind-boggling, and provide an immersive experience that’s not too strenuous. That’s why Escape Rooms are the perfect place to take your grandparents. 

Okay, so what exactly is an escape room, first off? 

Good question! An escape room is a game in which the object is to escape by solving puzzles and following along to a particular storyline. Depending on which escape room you go to, each Escape Room has its themes, puzzles, and storylines to follow.

Here at Escapology, the themes of our games range from classic literature such as Budapest Express, which is loosely based off of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, to Cuban Crisis, which is loosely based on the 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis. 

You don’t need any prior knowledge to solve any of the games. All that you need is a go-to winning attitude, a sharp, analytical mindset, and a healthy dose of creativity. 

Accessible Games

In a typical escape room facility, each building has up to four games ranging from easy to hard. So unless if your grandparents happen to love exercising while solving puzzles at the same time, chances are you might want to start them off on an easy level game. This way, they can have a better understanding as to how to escape from an escape room.  

Here at Escapology, one of our easiest and most popular games happens to be Antidote. In this game, the object of the players is to find the “antidote” to a mysterious disease in less than an hour. So if your grandparents are first-time escape room players and they’re not too excited about the idea of solving puzzles in less than an hour, then this would be a good game to help get them started. 

Mind-Boggling Puzzles 

Depending on which game you and your grandparents are playing, each game has its own sets of rules and puzzles that you have to follow to escape. While some rooms require you to open up a certain number of boxes to escape from a single room, some rooms may require you to use an alphabet chart such as a Morse code chart or a Caesar cipher chart to figure out the password to a particular box and lock. 

Keep in mind that as you and your grandparents are playing our games, sometimes, clues that look like clues are actually red herrings. For instance, let’s say that you and your grandparents are playing Shanghaied and you see a chart that has translated Chinese characters woven onto an old tapestry sitting on top of a wooden desk, followed by a jade seal with red paint covering the “double happiness” symbol carved on the bottom.

If the lock that you and your grandparents are trying to open happens to be a number lock, but the journal in your hand mentions a jade seal, then chances are that seal is a red herring. 

Immersive Experience

Because each escape room is designed with a specific theme in mind, part of the charm of playing an escape room game is to give players an interactive experience of what it’s like to solve puzzles under a high-pressure situation. 

For instance, let’s suppose that your grandparents want to relive their childhood dreams of solving mysteries on board the famous (or should we say, infamous) Orient Express by playing Budapest Express. Without giving too much information away, both the rooms and the puzzles inside are designed to give players the experience that they so desire without requiring them to round around much. 

By the way, if you and your grandparents love dressing up in costumes, then please check out our previous blog on DIY Costume Ideas for Your Next Escape Room Experience. 


So tell us, fellow readers, do you agree with any of our reasons? Which of our games are you thinking of trying out with your grandparents this holiday season? Let us know on any of our social media pages.